Local services we recommend
To help support your physical + mental health
Choose nutrition dietetics
Non-diet + intuitive eating dietetics
Based in East Maitland (telehealth available)
Karla - Holistic counselling
Trauma-informed holistic counselling
Based in New Lambton (just around the corner!)
How to get started with us
step one
Fill out our inquiry form
Help us get to know you & your movement needs - what support are you needing?
step two
We’ll give you a phone call
We’ll give you a call in 1-2 business days to chat + organise a time for your in-person welcome consult + studio tour.
step three
Join us for a consult
Together we’ll make a plan to get you started with your choice of intro offer or chosen membership.
Step four
Move your body with us!
Experience our approach to movement & get to know our teachers + community as you explore your first few weeks.