9 Lies my Inner Critic Tells Me When I Move (and how I respond)

I’ve been chatting with a lot of people about body trust + body grief lately. In the past five years my body has weathered many storms ⛈️ - I live with migraine, endometriosis, POTS + hyper mobility.

My body’s capacity changes EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
It’s incredibly frustrating and my brain likes to fib at me! Here’s the nine most common fibs my brain tells me on the reg + how I respond ❤️❤️❤️

Hope this helps someone like me living with invisible disability + illness or just someone needing to know it’s OK to NOT be OK! Bodies change- your worth does NOT! Chloe xxx

Lie #1: If you can’t do 5 movement sessions a week- you are a FRAUD!

TRUTH: Something is better than nothing.

There is no moral value to the amount of movement I do.

I do what fits into my week + my current energy capacity.


LIE #2: If you don’t sweat, it doesn’t count.

TRUTH: All movement counts.

Sweat isn’t a good indicator of progress - progressive overload + how I feel is.


LIE #3: Unless you did 10/10 effort - your workout didn’t count.

TRUTH: Showing up is the biggest victory -

I move for my mind first - anything else is an *added* bonus.

Not every workout needs to be exhausting.


LIE #4: You had a big week of symptoms - you have to *catch up* or you’ll lose progress.

TRUTH: I don’t have to catch up.

Instead I ask myself - “What feels achievable today + what movement would help me feel my best?”


LIE #5: My capacity + pain changes each week. My body is bad at exercise now.

TRUTH: My body is good - no matter how it looks or performs!

My capacity + endurance may change, but my worth does not.

I honor the body I have today + I choose movement that is appropriate to my pain level, energy + spoons I have today.


LIE #6: You shouldn’t be as out of breath as you are in class *cringe*

TRUTH: Breathing heavier after doing something challenging either with heavier weight, reps, speed or intensity is NORMAL.

It’s *literally* exercise.


LIE #7: You shouldn’t stop during class, you should keep going even if it hurts or you feel uncomfortable.

TRUTH: Nope. Uh-Uh!

I am allowed to rest, stop, sit + take a drink break whenever I need to. I listen to my body cues.


LIE #8: Movement should visibly change my body or it’s not worth it.

TRUTH: Nope. Weight is not a health behaviour. Fitness is a feeling, not a look.

Focusing on body size makes me feel like shit + I chose to focus on how strong my body is + how different movement makes me feel.


LIE #9: If you don’t track every workout, you’ll just do nothing!

TRUTH: No - I’ll have choice, freedom, flexibility + body autonomy.

And then I can move from a place of self compassion + self care, NOT PUNISHMENT!

And it’ll be 1000% more fun!


Move for your mind


The Traffic Light System - figuring out when to move